Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Funny and frustrating

You know what's funny and frustrating at the same time? My computer. It automatically restarts whenever I play a game with it. It's like the computer has a mind of its own. It somewhat limits what I am able to do with it. It seems that it has a preference for academic work, which I should be doing. Look at my schedule for the next week:
22 Sept (Fri) - Submit Cemetery Demography paper (Bio 160), Special Project Oral Presentation (Bio 121)
23 Sept (Sat) - 3rd Lecture Examination (Bio 122)
24 Sept (Sun) - "Rest"
25 Sept (Mon) - 3rd Lecture Examination (Bio 132), Special Project Draft Paper (Bio 160)
26 Sept (Tues) - 2nd Laboratory Examination (Bio 121)
27 Sept (Wed) - 3rd Laboratory Examination (Bio 132)

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