Sunday, May 07, 2006

Democracy in the Philippines

If you're talking about the ideal political structure for the Philippines, then democracy is definitely not the way to go. Being ideologically devastated by its conquerors, the islanders no longer have the former pride which their ancestors upheld. Reduced to living lives forced to them, Filipinos are among the most insecure peoples in the world. They were hit by many deadly blows and it’s just too much. Living in the country myself, I'd have to confess that loving the country is getting to be harder each day; I am becoming older. And the more I try to hide from the truth that we, Filipinos, will not have our sense of dignity back, the more it comes popping out of my days and wrecks havoc upon my life. So, some of you may be wondering why is Joel like that--dull-looking, silent, conserved, and apathetic? This is one of the reasons: the present state and health of our country and people.

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