Sunday, October 15, 2006



Abbreviation Definition
1337 leet/l33t (=Elite)
afaik as far as I know
afair as far as I remember
afk away from keyboard
aka also known as
asap as soon as possible
b2t/btt back to topic
banning to deny access for someone for a certain period
b00n/boon noob
btw by the way
cu/cya See you later
dc disconnect
flame/flaming the act of posting messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting, usually in the social context of a discussion board on the Internet
gl good luck
gn8 good night
gz/grz Congratulations
hf/hfgl have fun / have fun and good luck
IMHO/IMO in my (humble/honest) opinion
ign ingame-nick/name
IRC Internet Relay Chat
kick to throw someone from a channel
Loot Stolen resources
Netiquette the conventions of politeness recognized on Usenet, in mailing lists, and on other electronic forums such as internet message boards
noob/newb/newbie beginner (often negative)
np no problem
pls/plz please
PM/PN Private Message
RL Real Live
rofl rolling on the floor laughing
RTFM Read the fuckin` manual!
scnr sorry, could not resist
Spam/spamming posting of unneeded and abusive messages (could be in a forum, IRC-channel, or otherwise)
STFI Search the fuckin` internet!
STFU Shut the fuck up!
thx thanks
wb welcome back!
wtf what the fuck?
yw you`re welcome!

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