Friday, June 02, 2006

First Semester AY2006-07

The following are the classes that the CRS was able to assign to you.

Class Code Class Credits Schedule
37550 BIO 122 MHG 4 MTh 12:00p-1:00p lec IB 104
37551 BIO 122 MHGRU (0.0) MTh 8:30a-11:30a lab IB 116
37554 BIO 132 MHW 5 MTh 1:00p-2:30p lec IB 203
37555 BIO 132 MHWXY (0.0) MTh 2:30p-5:30p lab IB 216
37562 BIO 160 TFG 4 TF 12:00p-1:00p lec IB 104
37563 BIO 160 TFGRU (0.0) TF 8:30a-11:30a lab IB 213
37570 BIO 200 A 4

The table below represents your current schedule.

8:30 - 11:30BIO 122 MHGRU [IB 116]BIO 160 TFGRU [IB 213]
BIO 122 MHGRU [IB 116]BIO 160 TFGRU [IB 213]
11:30 - 12:00

12:00 - 1:00BIO 122 MHG [IB 104]BIO 160 TFG [IB 104]BIO 122 MHG [IB 104]BIO 160 TFG [IB 104]
1:00 - 2:30BIO 132 MHW [IB 203]
BIO 132 MHW [IB 203]
2:30 - 5:30BIO 132 MHWXY [IB 216]BIO 132 MHWXY [IB 216]

I could have obtained BIO 121 or BIO 196 but I guess 15 units of pure biology subjects is good enough for me.

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